Copying or cutting a module
This method lets you copy the full extent of the module, formatting and settings included.
To do this, please click on the module in question and in the pop-up menu, select Copy or Cut:
- Copy: keeps the module from its initial place, as well as creates a copy in "Re-Position Content" (top-right corner in your editor).
- Cut: deletes the module from its initial place, and creates a copy in "Re-Position Content" (top-right corner in your editor).
Then, drag and drop from Reposition Content to the new position in the site.
You can also simply click on the module and use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C (Copy) or Ctrl + X (Cut).
Copying or pasting text in a module
If you want to copy some info into a module (for exemple, your email address in a form module), you can use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C (Copy) or Ctrl + V (Paste).
These keyboard shortcuts are also used by numerous softwares, from your email, to your word processor, or numerous online sites.
Paste content in a text or title module
These two modules have a special Paste feature, if you're not comfortable with keyboard shortcuts.