Reactivate my subscription

If your subscription has been canceled because you have stopped it temporarily (no more than 6 months) or because of non-payment, know that you can renew it easily, while keeping the content of your site.


Here's how:

  • Log into your account, via, you will then be on your General Dashboard.
  • Locate the site you want to subscribe, then click on SUBSCRIBE.
  • You will be redirected to the WebSelf Offers table.

The registration process begins: SUBSCRIBE



For customers for whom they have a professional domain name associated with the site:

  • Once your registration has been completed, go to the ¨Domains¨ tab, your registered domain is displayed on the left in the table.
  • Go to the CONNECTED SITE tab, click on the ASSOCIATE A SITE button:


  • You will see your site ex: ¨¨, click on ASSOCIATE THE SITE.

  • Your site associated with the domain will be brought back online.

If your domain has expired, see the article: Renew my domain.

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