How to move from a free website to a WebSelf Premium Plan ? (Subscriptions starting 20-01-2020)

Do you have a FREE WebSelf site and would like to upgrade to one of our premium WebSelf Basic, Pro or ECommerce plans?

Log into your account via, and access the General Dashboard.


Select the site you want to change and then click on Subscribe. You will be redirected to the available WebSelf Plans.

The registration process begins:

1. Select a Plan and click on 'Get started!'.


2. Select a Subscription period.

Attention! The 1,2 and 5 year subscriptions are payable in ONE instalment.


3. On the payment page, complete your Payment information.


 -For Credit card payments, here are your options:
   Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

6. Enter your PROMO CODE if you have a code.


7. In the Upgrade to the plan... section, double-check the Total of your payment.

8. Click on 'Purchase'.

IMPORTANT: By confirming your order, you acknowledge having read and accepted the Terms of use and the Privacy policy of

9. A message acknowledging the receipt of your payment will displayed and your invoice in .PDF format will be available on the Billing and Payments tab.


Once you have completed your registration to a WebSelf Premium Plan, you will be able to use or buy\register a domaine name for your website. To know more, please visit the 'Domain' section.


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