
If you choose to use multiple currencies in your shop, you can manage them in the Currency section.


In the Currency list sub-tab, these are your options:

  1. Add currency: Click to set up a new currency.
  2. Code: Choose the desired currency code from the drop-down list.
  3. Exchange rate: Enter the exchange rate of this currency in relation to your primary currency.



The default currency in your site becomes the Main currency.


- To change the Exchange Rate, click on the pencil icon that appears at the right of the currency;

- To set up a default currency, click on the star icon that appears at the right of the currency;

- To remove the currency, click on the recycling icon that appears at the right of the currency.

Then select the currencies you want for your E-shop by marking the appropriate boxes.


IMPORTANT:The currencies supported by WebSelf are the currencies that are supported by PayPal, Paymill and Stripe (depending on the payment method chosen in your shop).

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