This tool allows you build your mailing list by collecting your visitors email addresses and other information. You can later use this list to send your marketing campaigns.
This feature is only available with a Pro or eCommerce WebSelf Premium plans. You can try it on, but it will not appear online.
- Try on; allows you to try on this feature.
- Choose a plan now; allows you to complete your registration to a Pro or eCommerce.
On the "Fields" tab, you can set up the following items:
On the "Text" sub-tab, these are your options:
- Title; enter a title for your mailing list;
- Description; enter a description for your mailing list;
- Button text; take in a text to your button "Register" is displayed by default;
- Thank you message; enter a thank you message for your visitor.
On the "Fields" tab, you can set up the following items:
- E-mail; allows visitors to enter their email address;
- Name; allows visitors to enter their name;
- Last name; allows visitors to report his name.
By default, the Name and Last name are required fields, uncheck the box if necessary.
On the "Settings" tab, you can set up the following items:
On the "General" sub-tab, these are your options:
- Enable captcha;
- Send me an email for each entry.
On the sub-tab "Registration pop-up" is your option:
- Enable pop-up.
On the "Style & color" tab, you can set up the following items:
- Title color;
- Title font;
- Description text color;
- Description font
- Field background color;
- Field text color;
- Field font
- Button color;
- Button text color;
- Button font.
How to see the list of collected emails?
In your personal Dashboard click on "Manage" and then on "My Data" and then on "Contact".
The list of emails collected is available.
The Collector only helps you collect email addresses, but it does not allow you to create newsletters for your marketing campaigns. WebSelf does not offer a tool for creating and sending newsletters. For this, you must use an external tool*. If you are looking for a tool for creating and sending newsletters / marketing campaigns, click here.
* WebSelf does not offer tec support for external tools.