Edit post

To edit a post, click the Blog tab in the Management toolbar.

You will be redirected to the Blog management:


Click on "Edit" on the right of the post to edit.

Post content


  • To edit a module ( image, text, title, etc.) : Left-click directly on the  item you want to change.
  • To add a new module:
    • hover over the item until you highlight "add content";
    • Click on this button " add content";
    • Select the content to add.
  • To replace a module:simply drag and drop it to the place you want it.

Related data
In the right column, you can edit the following:


Posting date and time
As soon as you publish your article, the date and time are set by default. You can change them or schedule a publication.

A tag (label or marker) is a keyword or term associated with or assigned to a post.


  • New category: enter the name of the new category.


  • URL of the article: enter the title of your post.
  • Meta Description: Provide a brief description of the post.

To update the post, click on "Update".

To save the post, click the  edit_blog2.png icon.


To return to your blog management, simply click on "Back to posts" on the left.

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