Frequently asked questions

How can I register and create my site?
Simply visit, enter your email address and a password, and then click on Create My Site. Your account will be created in seconds! Then select a Theme and Title for your website, and voilà!

Can I copy the contents of an entire site?
No problem. Your content can be easily duplicated, simply go the content in your site and click on “Copy”.  You can also copy your site directly from your Dashboard. Enter a name for your newly copied site, and it will be added automatically to your list of existing sites.

How many sites can I have?
You can have up to 10 free sites on your account. To create a new site, click on Add a site on your Dashboard.

How to change my site’s favicon?
A favicon is a small image that appears next to the title of the page in the browser tab.
Adding a favicon to your site makes it more recognizable. To change the favicon, first access your Settings. Screenshot. Then, click on Edit and choose one from the list.


This option is only offered with a Premium subscription to the Basic, Pro and Business plan.

Can I use a domain purchased elsewhere?
No problem! Once you have subscribed to a WebSelf plan, you have the option of redirecting your domain name to your new WebSelf site. This is done easily by making simple changes in your domain settings or transferring your domain to WebSelf.
For more details, please visit: How to redirect my domain to WebSelf.

How do I publish my site?
Once logged into the editor, displayed on the top right corner of the toolbar is the Publish button. This allows you to publish your site on the Internet.

How do I delete "WebSelf" from the bottom of my site?
The WebSelf logo appears on only non-premium Free sites. To delete the WebSelf logo from your site, you must subscribe to one of our Premium Plans. For more information our different plans and features, click here.

Will my site be visible to search engines like Google?
Yes, after you have completed your registration, WebSelf alerts search engines of your site after we receive your payment. Please note that search engines take some time to index your site, and this time can vary across sites. Typically this process is completed within a period of a few weeks.

Can I create a multilingual site?

Yes, absolutely! Visit the Language section of your Dashboard, and click on Settings then Add Language.
Simply choose a language from those available and select one as your primary language. To display the appropriate flag on your site, choose your country.


The Multilingual feature is available only with WebSelf Pro and Business plan subscriptions.

Can I change the site’s design?
Sure, its so easy! You can change the design of your website as many times as you’d like! Simply, hover over the Designs tab located at the left of the toolbar. Then choose from dozens of designs. All of your content will instantly adapt to the new design.

Is WebSelf free?
Absolutely. You can have a WebSelf site for free, and forever! This is the best way to explore our different features. If you’d like to expand your site even further, different plans are available for you. For more details about WebSelf plans, click here.

How to clear my web browser’s cache?
Clearing your browser cache is often a simple and effective solution to address basic issues that may arise. Clear the cache, exit your browser; re-start the browser and log back into your account. If you are unsure how to clear the cache, learn more here:

Do I have FTP access?
With WebSelf, there is no need to access to a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to create and update your site. With a single click, you can add files from your computer.

How to permanently delete this site or my account?
You can delete your site via the Dashboard by accessing My Account, then proceed to the Delete Site section.
Once all of your sites are deleted, you will be able to deactivate your account.


Once your account is deactivated, you will no longer have access to WebSelf.

Do I lose my content if a change my plan?
No. You will not lose any content with subscription changes. However, if you subscribe to a plan with less pages or features than your present plan, some of your content may not be visible online, and is available only in Edit mode.

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