To create your site, go to and click on Create your site.ou sur Sign up
You can either enter your name, email, and password, or use your social media.
Once your site is created, you will receive an email confirming your registration.
How do I log into my site?
To continue editing your site, simply visit the home page, and click on Sign in located at the top right corner of the header.
Then use the same information as when you registered: email and password, Facebook, or Google.
If you don’t remember your password, simply click on Forget your Password. An email will be sent to you to select a new password.
How do I upgrade from a free website to a WebSelf Premium Plan?
Do you have a FREE WebSelf site and would like to upgrade to one of our premium WebSelf Basic, Pro or Business plans?
Log into your account via, and access the General Dashboard.
Select the site you’d like to change, then click on Subscribe. You will be redirected to the available WebSelf plans.
The registration process begins:
1. Select a Plan and click on 'Get started!'.
2. Select a Subscription period.
3. Select the Payment method.
4. Complete your Payment information.
5. Review the Payment and details.
6. Click on 'Purchase'.
By confirming your order, you acknowledge having read and accepted the Terms of use and the Privacy policy of
7. A message confirming the reception of your payment will be displayed.
8. Your invoice will be available in PDF format on the Billing and Payments tab.