
Enliven your site by adding Flash! Add animated menus, text banners or any other Flash (.swf) element you’d like.

To add a Flash element, go to "Media"; on the left side of the editor, then drag &
drop the Flash icon to the desired location on your page.


Slide your Flash (swf) file or click Load Flash (.swf) file to download.

Open the library to load a Flash file from your computer or use one already stored in your library.

  • Here are your options:
  • Change the .swf file;
  • Set the scale of the flash file (full or original);
  • Choose the file position;
  • Replace picture or display an alternative image if Flash cannot be loaded on devices
  • like iPhone or iPad.

On the Settings tab, your options are:

  • Script: Write or copy your HTML or JavaScript code in the Code field provided for this
  • purpose;
  • Link: Click the text to add a link and select the type of link you’d like;
  • FlashVars: Allows you to set variables at the root of the .swf file.
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