You can easily add various documents on your site (e.g. doc, pdf, mp3, etc.), and assign them as available for download.
The maximum storage space allocated for uploading a file is 100 MB, regardless of your subscription plan.
The maximum storage space allocated for uploading a file is 100 MB, regardless of your subscription plan.
To add a File, access the ‘Tools’ section on the left side of the editor, and then drag the File icon to the desired location on your page.
You can add new files by drag and dropping your files, or by clicking ‘Upload’ to transfer files to your site.
You can also click on ‘Open library’ to upload a file from your computer, or use a document already stored in your library.
To change the order of files, simply drag and drop up or down.
To delete files, click the Recycle bin.
On the Settings tab, you can choose to:
- Show file icons: Check the box to display the file title;
- Show file extensions: Check the box to display the file type;
- Display file sizes: Check the box to display the file size;
- Open the file in a new tab: Check the box to view the file in a new tab;
- Alignment: Place your files on the left, right, or center.