Here are the steps to help you configure your email account on your iPhone:
1.- Go to « Settings » > « Mail, Contacts, Calendars » . Then tap « Add Account » .
2.- Tap « Add Account», tap « Other», then tap « Add Mail Account».
3.- Enter your name, email address, password, and a description for your account.
IMPORTANT: Password is mandatory.
4.- Tap « Next ». Mail will try to find the email settings. You need to enter them manually, follow these steps:
5.- You will be present with two types of configuration for your new account: « IMAP or POP ». Choose « IMAP » (recommended).
6.- Enter the information for Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server.
- Incoming Mail Server (IMAP):
- Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):
7.- Then tap « Next ».
8.- If your email settings are correct, tap « Save » to finish.
9. The unit will take a moment to verify the information. If "SSL connection impossible" window appears, click "Yes".
10. That's it, your account is set up!
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