Create an email account

By clicking on Manage in the general Dashboard, you will have access to the Email section.
To access this section, click Email on the top of the editor.

Create an email account
To create an email account, click on Create an email.

  • Complete the following information:
  • Email: Enter the name of the email address.
  • Redirect email: You can enter a forwarding address to redirect messages to another email address. You can also enter multiple forwarding addresses.
  • Alias: Type the name of a "virtual" email address that will send the message to a "physical" email address.
  • Password: Enter a password for this account.

NOTE: The password must contain at least 6 characters, a capital letter, a number, and a special character (ex.: !, $, *,?, Etc.).

  • Confirm password: retype the password for that account.
  • To save, click on Add.
  • Your account is now created.

You will need to repeat the same steps each time you’d like to create a new account.

In this section you can also delete an email account by clicking the Trash icon.

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