

Create your online E-shop easily . The E-shop will allow you to make  online sales directly from your webSelf website.

To add an E-shop, go to the "E-shop" section on the left side of the editor, drag and drop the E-shop icon to the desired location on your page.


A window opens; Choose the option that suits you:



If you chose the option "Ia new page", a page named "Shop" will be automatically added, the page will appear at the end of your page list by default. By default the Shop page will contain 4 items.

To manage your store, please visit Manage your E-shop section


As long as you have created a Shop page or added a Cart to your site, the shopping cart will appear by default on the top right corner of all pages on your site. It is not possible to erase it. However you can always replace it and customize its visual and its location by using the Cart module.



Once you have added a E-shop module, the Cart icon will appear in the E-shop section.

The Cart module offers  you various visual options and location for your shopping cart in your E-shop page or elsewhere in your website.


To add a cart, go to the "E-shop" section on the left side of the editor, then drag and drop the cart icon to the desired location.


On the Icon tab, these are your options:

-Shape: choose the visual for your cart icon.

In the Style section, here are your options:
-Icon font: Choose the font and the font colour.
-Icon colour: Choose the colour of the icon.

Click on Save.

In the Detail tab, these are your options:



In the Text section:

  • Empty cart: Enter a custom message to display when the cart is empty;
  • "Check-out" button: Enter a custom message for this button.

In the Style section, these are your options:


  • Alignment detail box: Choose the alignment from the three options: Left, Centered and Right.
  • Main text font: Choose the size and color of the font.
  • Main Background colour: Choose the colour of the background.
  • Divider and Borders: Choose the size and color of divider and border.
  • Subtotal: Choose the font size and color.
  • Subtotal background colour: Choose the color of the background.

In the Button section, these are your options:

  • Display Format: Choose from the three options, Round Corners, Square Corners, Ellipse.
  • Button: Choose the color of the button.
  • Button Text: Choose the color for the button text.

Click on Save.

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